Burak Yünlü, a talented graduate of Cleopatra Ink Academy, stands out with his expertise in color realism, black & grey art, portrait tattoos, and cover-up transformations. His artistry captures vivid detail and emotional depth, offering clients a truly personalized tattoo experience.
With a strong commitment to innovation and self-improvement, Burak continues to elevate his craft through ongoing education. His passion for perfection ensures every tattoo he creates not only meets but exceeds his clients’ expectations. Whether you're looking for vibrant color work, intricate realism, or a seamless cover-up, Burak Yünlü delivers body art that inspires confidence and loyalty.
Cleopatra Ink Gallery is a reflection of tattoo art. Here, you'll find captivating photographs of unique works created by our tattoo artists. Welcome to our gallery to visually explore the enchanting world of tattoo art.